Tax Evasion Lawyers in Jefferson Hills

In Pennsylvania, "tax evasion" is a crime that involves a deliberate failure to pay the taxes that the taxpayer legally owes.

One of the most common common tactics of tax evaders in Jefferson Hills, Pennsylvania is to attempt to make it appear to an outside observer that their tax liability is lower than it actually is, such as by concealing income, fraudulently transferring property, and others.

"Tax evasion" should be distinguished from "tax avoidance." Tax evasion is the illegal act of trying to hide one's tax liability. Tax avoidance, on the other hand, is perfectly legal, and simply involves utilizing the tax laws strategically, to reduce one's actual tax liability as much as possible.

Penalties for Tax Evasion in Jefferson Hills, Pennsylvania

The laws of the federal government, as well as Pennsylvania take tax evasion very seriously, making it a crime.

The penalties for tax evasion in Jefferson Hills can range anywhere from small penalties to huge penalties, along with prison sentences of several years.

Most often, tax evasion - if it's a first offense and the tax liability is small - will not be cause for huge fines or imprisonment. This is particularly true if the prosecution can't definitively prove that that the defendant's failure to pay taxes was willful, as opposed to an honest mistake.

However, if it can be clearly proven that a person or corporation in Jefferson Hills, Pennsylvania deliberately attempted to conceal income or assets for the purpose of getting out of taxes, a court will probably throw the book at them, so to speak. This can mean jail sentences measured in years, and fines in the six or seven figures.

A Jefferson Hills, Pennsylvania Tax Evasion Lawyer Can Help

Tax lawyers in Jefferson Hills, Pennsylvania can help anyone from an individual to a big business pay their taxes more quickly, and adhere with federal and local tax laws.

Of course, if you've actually been accused of tax evasion, you should contact a Jefferson Hills, Pennsylvania tax lawyer immediately. If you are innocent, a tax attorney will make sure you have the best chance possible at being acquitted.