Tax Audit in College Park, Maryland

Find the right Tax Audit attorney in College Park, MD

Tax Audit Lawyers in College Park

In College Park, Maryland, a "tax audit" is a procedure in which the IRS or local tax authorities conduct an investigation of a taxpayer's tax filings, looking at them in more detail than they ordinarily do. Typically, they do this because there is something suspicious in the tax return. State and federal tax authorities also do a certain number of random audits each year, without necessarily suspecting that an individual auditee has done anything wrong.

The actual procedure involved in a tax audit in College Park, Maryland is typically fairly straightforward. If you hare chosen for an audit, you will receive a letter in the mail telling you as much. Before responding, it's crucial for you to make sure that the letter is authentic, because there are scammers who send fake audit letters to innocent victims, in an attempt to extort money out of them. You should search the Internet for the name of the organization that the letter claims to represent, and call them using the contact information on their website, and confirm that you are truly being audited.

After confirming that the audit you're facing is truly legitimate, there are a few things you can do to prepare. First, you should assemble all of the proper documents you have in your possession. This should include your tax return, W-2 forms, and records of any expenses that you claim as deductions. You should bring these documents, and any others that the auditor requests, to the meeting. At the meeting, the auditor will ask you a list of questions, which you should answer honestly and to the best of your knowledge.

Reasons For a Tax Audit in College Park, Maryland

There are several reasons why the federal government, or the government of Maryland may want to audit a taxpayer.

As discussed earlier, an audit might occur due to a taxpayer being randomly selected. If this happens to you, and you have been forthright on your tax returns, it's unlikely that you'll have much to worry about.

However if the IRS or other tax agency suspects actual wrongdoing by a College Park, Maryland taxpayer, that's a different matter. There are several different reasons why a government might decide to audit a taxpayer. The most typical one is suspicion that they have underreported their income. If a taxpayer buys a considerable number of expensive luxury items, but reports little or no income on their tax returns, the government will definitely want to know where the money to buy all those things came from, and why it hasn't been declared as taxable income.

If you claim such a considerable number of deductions that your tax liability is unusually low, you may well be subject to an audit in College Park, Maryland. A deduction is an allowable reduction in your taxable income, requiring you to pay taxes on a smaller portion of your income. Specific business expenses and charitable donations are customary sources of tax deductions. However, some people add invalid deductions to their tax returns to reduce their tax burden. If the IRS is suspicious about your deductions, you should make sure you have appropriate documentation to back them up.

How Can A College Park, Maryland Tax Lawyer Help?

If you are audited in College Park, Maryland, and believe that you have done everything right in collecting and filing your tax return, you probably don't have much to worry about. If there is anything wrong with your tax return, it was probably the result of an honest mistake, which will result in light penalties - typicallyy just an order to pay any back taxes you owe, plus interest.

However, there are times when an audit is conducted to investigate far more serious issues. If you find yourself facing allegations from the IRS of serious wrongdoing, and believe yourself to be innocent, you should pursue the advice of a College Park, Maryland tax attorney immediately.

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Life in College Park

College Park, Maryland is a community of about 25,000 people, situated in Prince George's County. It is just outside Washington, D.C.

College Park is home to the University of Maryland, a public research university, and the flagship of Maryland's public university system. University of Maryland, College Park is very well-regarded across the country, and some rankings even put it in the top 50 universities in the world.

Given its size, and the presence of a major university attracting students from all over the nation, College Park, Maryland is definitely a classic "college town." As with any college town, there is sometimes conflict between students and long-time residents of the town. However, it is rarely serious, and typically does not escalate beyond noise complaints and other minor nuisances.

Occasionally, however, the student community attempts to get one of its own elected to the city council, since anybody who resides in College Park and is over 21 is eligible to run. None of these bids have been successful, however.

College towns tend to have slightly more lawyers than other communities of comparable size. This means that there are probably College Park, Maryland lawyers who can handle just about any type of legal issue that you're likely to face in your lifetime. If you have a legal issue, it's very like that there's a College Park, Maryland lawyer who can help.

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