Self Employment Tax in Kokomo, Indiana

Find the right Self Employment Tax attorney in Kokomo, IN

Self Employment Tax Lawyers in Kokomo

In Kokomo, Indiana, some taxes are enforced on employees, and deducted from their paychecks. Most people are cognizant of the Medicare and Social Security taxes - which fund those two programs by taking a small percentage of every paycheck an employee receives.

Individuals who are self-employed are still accountable for these taxes, and are responsible for figuring out how much they owe.

In most cases, employers make all the necessary calculations to determine how much needs to be deducted from an employee's check to pay these taxes. It's normally very simple, and any decent payroll software can automate this process. But the self-employed are accountable for figuring this out for themselves, or hiring an accountant to do it.

Self-Employment tax obligations in Kokomo, Indiana

If you are an independent contractor, or run a sole proprietorship (a company which you own, and which is not incorporated as a separate legal entity), you must pay the so-called "self-employment tax" if your income from self-employment is larger than per year.

For normal employees, Social Security and Medicare payments are made in equal parts by the employee and employer. This basically means that every employee's contribution to his or her future Medicare and Social Security benefits is matched by the employer.

But, the self-employed in Kokomo, Indiana are responsible for making the employer AND employee contributions to those programs, basically doubling what they would have to pay if they were employed by someone else.

The self-employment tax rate is 15.3% of all self-employment income, assuming your income from self-employment exceeds per year in Kokomo, Indiana. But half of your self-employment tax liability can be deducted from your income tax. This results in a slightly reduced income tax bill, which partially offsets this additional tax burden. It essentially means that the self-employment tax only applies to 92% of your income, as opposed to all of it. This means that your effective self-employment tax rate is about 14%, as opposed to over 15%.

Can a Kokomo, Indiana Tax Attorney Help?

If you're self-employed in Kokomo, you need to keep complete records of all your income and expenses from the operation of your business. This will make it much easier for you to calculate your taxes when they come due, and it will make it simpler for a tax attorney to give you good, useful advice, should you eventually need it.

Therefore, if you have some trouble figuring out what you owe in self-employment taxes, for whatever reason, chances are good that a reliable tax attorney in Kokomo, Indiana can assist you with much trouble, and can provide you with good legal and financial advice, which can help you head off much more severe legal and financial issues.

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Life in Kokomo

Kokomo is located in Howard County, Indiana. It is Indiana's thirteenth largest city and is home to around 45,500 people.

Some popular sites in Kokomo include Howard County Historical Society, Kokomo Beach, The Sycamore Stump, Old Ben, City of Firsts Automotive Heritage Museum, and Elwood Haynes Museum.

Kokomo's top employers include Chrysler LLC, Delphi Corporation, GM Components Holdings LLC, Haynes International, Holder Mattress, Syndicate Sales, Inc. and Coca-Cola. To support these businesses, Kokomo has many attorneys whose practice can take care of the legal needs of these corporations. Also, for complex legal matters, Kokomo residents can look to nearby Chicago's legal force to deal with legal issues that seem impossible.

Some famous residents include Sylvia Jane Kirby, Jim Ligon, Strother Martin, John O'Banion, Jimmy Rayl, Tavis Smiley, and Marc Pohlman.

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