Tax Evasion in Columbus, Indiana

Find the right Tax Evasion attorney in Columbus, IN

Tax Evasion Lawyers in Columbus

Within Indiana "tax evasion" is the crime of failing to pay the taxes that they owe.

Usually, tax evasion is accompanied by an attempt to make it appear to the government of Columbus, Indiana that one's tax liability is lower than it actually is. This can include concealing income, making fraudulent transfers of property, and other illegal activities.

It's important not to confuse "tax avoidance" and "tax evasion." They are two different things, but some people mistakenly use them interchangeably. Tax avoidance involves utilizing legal methods, such as tax deductions and exemptions, in a strategic manner, for the purpose of reducing one's tax liability. Tax avoidance is perfectly legal. Tax evasion involves fraud, and a deliberate attempt to avoid meeting one's legal commitments to pay taxes.

Penalties for Tax Evasion in Columbus, Indiana

Under federal and state law, including the laws of Indiana, tax evasion is a very significant crime.

In Columbus, tax evasion can result in anything from a comparatively small fine, and a court order to pay any back taxes as well as interest, all the way up to financial penalties in the hundreds of thousands of dollars, as well as jail time.

However, the punishments for tax evasion, particularly first offenses involving relatively small amounts of money, is not normally so severe, particularly when it looks like the failure to pay taxes was the result of an honest mistake, rather than deliberate fraud.

But if the government is able to definitively show that a defendant in Columbus, Indiana intentionally engaged in fraud to get out of paying taxes, a tax court is very unlikely to show any leniency, and may well sentence the defendant to prison time.

A Columbus, Indiana Tax Evasion Lawyer Can Help

A Columbus, Indiana attorney who concentrates in tax law can help ensure that you are in conformity with all applicable tax laws, making an accusation of tax evasion less likely.

If you find yourself really accused of tax evasion, and are innocent, you should hire a Columbus, Indiana attorney with expertise practicing tax law, as soon as possible. Your tax attorney can help you defend yourself against the charges, ensuring that you have a good chance at being acquitted.

Talk to a Tax Law Attorney now!

Life in Columbus

Columbus is located in Indiana's Bartholomew County. Specifically it is 40 miles from Indianapolis and on the east fork on the White River. Columbus is the twentieth largest city in Indiana. It is also ranked eleven on the U.S.'s safest cities to live in.

The largest employer in Columbus is Cummins, Inc. In fact, GQ Magazine included Columbus in its "62 Reasons to Love Your Country" article.

Some popular attractions include the Miller House, Otter Creek Golf Course, First Baptist Church, and the Large Arch sculpture by Henry Moore.

Famous residents include Stevie Brown, Lee H. Hamilton, Jeff Osterhage, Jill Tasker, Herbert Wright, and Bob Paris.

Columbus is also home to many attorneys and law firms that practice in any and every field of law.

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